My desk has a rather nice view of a car park, which seems to be the hangout of choice for out resting bus drivers. I have taken an appallingly bad photo with the blackberry, which will have to do until such time I manage to start carrying my camera around with me again.
We aren't sure what these buses do - they occasionally multiply, then furtively sneak off again, but we never actually see them moving. Perhaps there are Bond-esque trapdoors leading in and out of the grassy knoll behind. We aren't sure what that is either. What we do know, is that the orange building behind the grassy knoll on the far left.... houses a pub. Yes, we got the important information sorted before we finished unpacking the boxes.
However, we didn't account for the dongles.
I'm quite tempted to just leave that hanging.
The dongles are these amazingly expensive little gadgets that plug in to your computer and connect you to tinternet... but we only have two between three of us, as one broke mysteriously earlier on. So you type about three emails, then have to hand the dongle over, and try and remember what kind of work you did before there was email or internet. Amazingly difficult, actually.
Other hot topics of the day have covered whether or not access cards work if you hole-punch them, identifying local landmarks (atm, coffee providers that don't fob you off with bran muffins, ways to get mana'ish that looks like Lebanese Flower's version, rather than Carrefour's minging doughy round thing) with varying degrees of success.
Mini-hurdles - they brighten a quiet day in the office.
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